Sunday, November 24, 2013

DWR Quilt - otherwise titled as "Never Again"

So let's get right to the pictures, shall we?


I guess I should start with what started this crazy idea in my head - it was after seeing this blog post by Faith on her blog Fresh Lemons Quilts.   If you follow the link it will take you to the exact post with the DWR table runner she started.   I saw that and automatically my mind went to the latest AMH collection that I'd purchased, Hand Drawn Garden.   I thought those big melons would be a great way to showcase those amazing prints in the line.   I'd also purchased a coordinating solids bundle from Westwood Acres.  So I thought about it for a few days, how would I do the arcs, what fabric would I use for the squares, etc.   I also didn't have the templates, so I entered the giveaways still open in the EZ Quilting DWR Challenge blog hop.   I had actually priced the templates online, decided Amazon was probably the best place to get them when I got an email saying I'd won a set of templates!   So, of course, I had to do it!   The only thing left was to determine which fabrics I would use for the 4 square centers.

Ok, which 2 hugs and kisses print?  Or should I go crazy and use all if them?
Auditioning fabric for squares!

After a few fabric auditions, I decided on using all of the hugs and kisses prints from AMH's loulouthi line.   All of her fabrics play so well together!   I didn't have any concerns about them not looking great together!

Once I got started I ran into a few hurdles.   I didn't have enough variation in the solids.   So I consulted my stash.   Lacking.   So I consulted the post "What goes with What?" on Pink Chalk Fabrics here.   I was able to flesh out my blues, greens, oranges, purples, and yellows.   It's hard to see in some of the pictures, but I used several different shades of the same colors.   There are at least 3-4 different shades of red/pink-red alone.   The purples and blues?   Lots of those too.
You can see some of the different tones of the same colors I used!
I've done so much cutting I developed a blister and had to take a day off... I also had to work, but that's not near as exciting.

The templates made it so easy to cut the fabric!   It wasn't exactly fun, but that was because there were so many pieces.   

Almost finished piecing this guy - hopefully by this week!  #dwrquilt #annamariahorner #handdrawngarden

A design wall was definitely a "must-have" for this project.   There's no way I would have been able to accomplish this without one.   I mean, carpet would have been okay, but with pets/kids there's no way it would have survived til morning!


Once I had the top assembled, I had to decide on quilting.   If you've been following me on instagram (here), you'll see that I had quite a bit of trouble.   I unpicked a LOT of quilting.   But as you can see from the pictures, I finally decided on something!   I'm really happy with what I settled on.

The never ending binding... #dwrquilt

The binding I settled on is the green Hugs and Kisses print.   Attaching the binding was ... hard.   I consulted The Plaid Scottie's DWR QAL she hosted a few years ago (here).   That really helped me out quite a bit.   I think if I needed to bind another DWR quilt I would choose 2.5" binding instead of 2.25".   That extra wiggle room would have been really nice.

Now here's a couple more shots to end the post:


I'm entering this quilt in the Double Wedding Ring Quilt Challenge hosted by EZ Quilting & the NYC Mod Quilt Guild, along with a lot of other people that you can read about here.  


Quilt Stats:
Size: Twin
Fabric: AMH Hand Drawn Garden, AMH Loulouthi Hugs & Kisses, various solids
Binding: AMH Loulouthi Hugs & Kisses
Quilting: Me (machine and hand)
Finished: 10/31/2013


  1. Your quilt is really beautiful. I know I've sworn off curves for a little while. LOL

  2. Gorgeous! And so impressive! A big DWR is a lot of work... well worth it here. Totally get that "never again" feeling.

  3. I'm also entering the challenge, still binding. and I'm AMAZED at the color and size of your quilt. The piecing lines up so well. DWR, not for the faint of heart eh? And I only have 11 rings! Nicely done.

  4. Love the hugs and kisses print. Picked up a red fat quarter a year or so back and have used each tiny scrap. You have a lovely quilt here, so much to look at and discover.

  5. This is amazing. Love your use of color!
